Inside Kentwool Yarn

Lab Technician

Roving Operation for
Preparation of Spinning
Founded in Philadelphia by Thomas Kent in 1843, has been a leader in wool yarn manufacturing for nearly two centuries. Since 1954, Kentwool products have been proudly produced in the Upstate of South Carolina, where the Kentwool family of companies has grown and flourished.
Headquarters & Sales Office
Greenville, SC
Headquartered in Greenville SC, Kentwool Yarn maximizes its corporate presence in a growing, vibrant community that is quickly becoming a destination in the southeast. Located on Main Street in a historic downtown building, the team is an active part of the local business community and thrives on the energy, diversity, and excitement our location provides.
Development, Testing and Manufacturing Center
Pickens, SC
In this 140,000 sq. ft. facility, state-of-the-art wool yarn spinning operation produces the highest quality yarn in the USA. Services knitting, spinning, weaving, and industrial textile markets across the nation and beyond. We have the expertise & equipment to keep up with the ever-changing textile market. Our domestic supply chain makes us a reliable partner in an evolving industry. We take environmental and corporate responsibility seriously. From farm to finished good, Kentwool Yarn maintains minimal environmental impact and the highest ethical labor practices – so we can focus on the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit. Kentwool Yarn is the nation’s only wool yarn manufacturer with USTER® certified processes. Our 140,000 sq. ft. development, testing & manufacturing center provides unmatched quality & production capabilities. With Kentwool Yarn in your supply chain, you can reduce the risk of uncertainty, delays & disruptions. Thanks to our 100% domestic production process, we’re able to deliver a personalized customer experience with quality yarn always manufactured right here in the United States.
Founded in Philadelphia by Thomas Kent in 1843, has been a leader in wool yarn manufacturing for nearly two centuries. Since 1954, Kentwool products have been proudly produced in the Upstate of South Carolina, where the Kentwool family of companies has grown and flourished. Services, services, services.
Headquarters & Sales Office
Greenville, SC
Headquartered in Greenville SC, Kentwool Yarn maximizes its corporate presence in a growing, vibrant community that is quickly becoming a destination in the southeast. Located on Main Street in a historic downtown building, the team is an active part of the local business community and thrives on the energy, diversity, and excitement our location provides.
Development, Testing and Manufacturing Center
Pickens, SC
In this 140,000 sq. ft. facility, state-of-the-art wool yarn spinning operation produces the highest quality yarn in the USA. Services knitting, spinning, weaving, and industrial textile markets across the nation and beyond. We have the expertise & equipment to keep up with the ever-changing textile market. Our domestic supply chain makes us a reliable partner in an evolving industry. We take environmental and corporate responsibility seriously. From farm to finished good, Kentwool Yarn maintains minimal environmental impact and the highest ethical labor practices – so we can focus on the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit. Kentwool Yarn is the nation’s only wool yarn manufacturer with USTER® certified processes. Our 140,000 sq. ft. development, testing & manufacturing center provides unmatched quality & production capabilities. With Kentwool Yarn in your supply chain, you can reduce the risk of uncertainty, delays & disruptions. Thanks to our 100% domestic production process, we’re able to deliver a personalized customer experience with quality yarn always manufactured right here in the United States.
In this 140,000 sq. ft. facility, state-of-the-art wool yarn spinning operation produces the highest quality yarn in the USA. Services knitting, spinning, weaving, and industrial textile markets across the nation and beyond. We have the expertise & equipment to keep up with the ever-changing textile market. Our domestic supply chain makes us a reliable partner in an evolving industry. We take environmental and corporate responsibility seriously. From farm to finished good, Kentwool Yarn maintains minimal environmental impact and the highest ethical labor practices – so we can focus on the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit. Kentwool Yarn is the nation’s only wool yarn manufacturer with USTER® certified processes. Our 140,000 sq. ft. development, testing & manufacturing center provides unmatched quality & production capabilities. With Kentwool Yarn in your supply chain, you can reduce the risk of uncertainty, delays & disruptions. Thanks to our 100% domestic production process, we’re able to deliver a personalized customer experience with quality yarn always manufactured right here in the United States.